We provide 42 countries imports and exports bill of lading data which is gathered from top shipping carrier’s internal systems and get access to trading market secrets!
Data includes: (Full Companies details of both Importers and Exporters – Cargo details – time of shipments – loading ports and delivery ports – terms of shipments – commodity codes –commodity description and others)
Covering official customs data or port customs clearance data of nearly 40 countries around the world, it dynamically records the transaction details of each import and export cargo, and provides overseas buyers, import scale, frequency, price, supplier, and place of origin in real time. Such information is a tool for companies to find overseas buyers, monitor competitors, grasp market trends, and provide enterprise competitiveness.
Developing new customers
Precise positioning, directly lock high-matching quality buyers, timely understanding of their detailed procurement needs.
Maintaining old customers
Real-time monitoring, Track the purchasing needs of old customers, such as the size of the purchase, commodity structure, supply chain, etc., recommend new products and add orders to old customers; Learn the truth about customer churn.
Monitoring the competitive situation
Focus on the changes and trends of competitors, understand the competitive situation, and discover emerging markets. A network of high-quality matching quality buyers
In-depth development of existing buyers
Pay attention to the cooperative buyers, purchase the product structure, recommend new products to the old customers, and increase the order quantity.
Customs data
Customs data is collected from customs in various countries and is a detailed record of past transactions of international trading companies and is one of the most important reports. It conducts trade activities in more than 30 countries, which helps to conduct in-depth market analysis of commodities, companies and countries, and helps enterprises to quickly, accurately and intuitively understand the foreign trade situation, grasp the changes in the international market in a timely manner, and effectively develop Overseas markets, accurately monitor peer dynamics and quickly find the right quality buyers.
South America: